
Showing posts from October, 2016

Super Secret-But-Not-Really-Cuz-I-Kinda-Already-Mentioned-It-Earlier Special Book Announcement!

Okay, so it wasn't released at 1. I'm just so excited I bumped up the time! I am so excited to announce this, because it's something that's taken up my life that past two or so years. Well, let me fix that wording. I've been working on this 8th rewrite of it for two years. I came up with the original idea back in 2011. I cranked this thing out when I had a dream that turned into my plot (with a few additions and changes, of course), and I instantly went through and kept editing it. Now, on the eleventh draft, I've finally decided that I am going to publish it. Self-publish, that is. *deep breath* *pterodactyl screech* YES FRIENDS, I AM SELF-PUBLISHING MY BOOK. I cannot tell you how excited I am. Now, I know I said I'm looking for an agent, but honestly, none of them wanted it. They said "while this is interesting, I don't think it's right for my agency right now." All I can say is this: I've talked to so many people...

OCTOBER WRAP UP and super special announcement hehehe

Hello lovelies! SO, if you're new to this blog (which I'm not sure if anyone is but if you are hey sup welcome), I do these every month to wrap up my goals for the month and what I accomplished. SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO! Life • I've begun to be more outgoing. WAT AN INTROVERTED AUTHOR BEING OUTGOING WAT HAPPENED? I'm honestly just not filtering my speech as much. Usually I over-analyze literally EVERYTHING I say, and I'm not doing it that much. I've actually managed to make a few of those annoying little generic #swag boys in my school fear me because I've begun to speak my mind, and I am very proud of that. They're not good kids, and honestly I could see them being arrested for Sexual Harassment. I feel I'm doing my duty and protecting my fellow women, cus if they're scared of little 'ol me, they got a rude awakening. • I've begun to pursue my acting career. As I talked about in my  Life Choices  post, I plan on being both ...

Life Choices

In honor of the fantastic book INTERMISSION by Serena Chase (which you can preorder  here  and I suggest you do because holy freaking crap it is fantastic), I have decided to write this post on my life choices and what I plan on doing once I graduate. | | | We are starlight on snow. The reflection of something already beautiful—absorbed, reflected, and remade into something . . . more.  And this kiss . . . This kiss is everything I’ve needed to say . . . and longed to hear. Sixteen-year-old Faith Prescott eagerly awaits the day she will exchange her small Iowa hometown for the bright lights of Broadway, but her success-driven parents want her to pursue a more practical career, labeling “artsy” people—including their daughter—as foolish dreamers worthy of little more than disdain. When Faith meets nineteen-year-old Noah Spencer she discovers someone who understands her musical theatre dreams . . . because he shares them.  Faith’s mother despises everything about...

Diversity in Media

Being writers, we have to create characters. You can't have a story without a character. Characters drive the story, give the readers someone to root for. But creating characters creates problems in the readerdom. Diversity isn't a thing that really exists. Many people try their best to actually represent everyone, but in doing so they tend to exclude others. Body Types. With girls, there's been a big push to love yourself for who you are. Big girls, curvy girls, all of them are being uplifted in this time. But in doing so, the skinny girls are being shamed. You know Daisy Ridley? The wonderful, talented, beautiful actress who played Rey in the newest Star Wars (and also the person in this photo)? Someone posted an image of Rey with a speech bubble saying "what were my casting directors thinking? don't they know real woman have curves?" Let me just say something. All women are different. ALL WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT. ALL. WOMEN. ARE. DIFFERENT. Everyone, ok...

Tips for Overwriters

IT HAS FINALLY COME THE POST I HAVE PROMISED FOR, like, I dunno three weeks or something? IT'S REALLY HERE THIS TIME SO PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR Alright! To recap, there are basically two types of writers. Overwriters, and Underwriters. Underwriters tend to get the bare bones of their story down first, and then they have to spend the editing time beefing it up, adding the meat and spices to their feast of a book. If that is you, you can check out my post right here . Overwriters are those who have a 200,000 word novel on their first draft and need to cut out things because HOLY CRAP THOSE ARE A LOT OF WORDS. But seriously, overwriters, you're talented. I'm a severe underwriter. You guys are like unicorns to me. ANYWAYS let's continue. ALSO sorry for so much caps-lock. OKAY LETS GET GOING. 1: Delete Everything Okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration. But seriously, if your manuscript has the same word count as the ENTIRE LORD OF THE RINGS S...

An Extra Post With A Surprise and A Tag

Hello lovelies! Time for a writing/book tag and such that the lovely Sunset tagged me in! And yes, there will be a surprise announcement at the end of this post so STAY TUNED! So, it's time for the *drumroll* YAAAAAAY! Let's get going. I'm excited cuz I'm a huge mythology/history buff so like this is making me happy. My favorite mythology has to be Norse though, since Norwegian is one of the more prominent heritages I have (I'm a mutt of basically all of Europe - Germany, Austria, England, Ireland, France, Norway, Poland, and Israel). SO YAY LETS GET STARTED Zeus (a.k.a. Jupiter) - god of the sky, thunder : Favorite Book (choose your own category!) Okay for this one, I've spent a long time staring at my bookshelf. There are loads of favorite books set up there, but the one I'd have to chose is United We Spy, by my favorite author Ally Carter. I've heard that some people don't like this series, but this was the series that rede...

September Wrap-Up

Sorry this is late everybody! And also sorry that there's no Overwriter's post. This week has been crazy and I've been stressed and I haven't been feeling well so I didn't write this until today (October 3rd). But without further ado! Life • I've began bullet journaling in my school planner. I can't keep up bullet journaling normally, but because it's school I've got something to do every day. So, there's that. • I've had to stop my workouts on such a daily basis. Now I do intense workouts on Saturday and Sunday so I can still stay in shape but I've got enough time to do homework. • School has taken a destructive toll on me. Everything is very exhausting, everything is assigned on one day, and everything is due at the same time. It's not fun. Junior year is absolute horrid. Writing • I've gotten feedback from Angelle Pilkington, and she's suggested many helpful critiques that are making my book so ...