Project Canvas

Okay, I am super excited to share this:

Caroline Meek and Olivia Rogers have created a collaborative book written by teen authors for teen authors.

It is called:


Basically it's a book for teen authors with tips from other teen authors! There's a section on world building, character development, and loads more! And the most awesome thing is that it's written by us--the teen authors.

Have I said that already? Yeah. Lots.

This is just such a cool idea, though! Cuz a lot of the time, the how-to books are written by adults. And that's fine, but being a teen you don't necessarily think the way adults do. And in that way, we sometimes figure out more things than them.

Not saying that those books are bad. Just saying that this one is going to be awesome.

It's going to have international availability, which I think is absolutely genius.

But the reason for posting this (other than my OH MY GOSH ISN'T THIS COOL AHH reason) is to say this:

You can be a part of it.

I'm writing a chapter on villains.

You could write one too!

Yes, you could write a chapter (or two) as well.

Do you have a lot of expertise/experience with either a topic or writing a topic? Claim it, sign up, and do it.

The link to it is here, and I really hope that you join in because it's wonderful.

As I said, I'm doing a segment on villains... my favorite thing. It takes time to get right, it takes effort to make my chapter good, but since I'm writing on something I absolutely love and have a lot of knowledge on the fun and excitement much outweighs the time it takes up.

But yeah! If you'd like to join, visit the link, look around, discover more about it.

Where do you guys look for writing tips? Do you have any subject you really know about? Let's talk!

~Olivia Ann



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