NaNoWriMo Preparations

I bet you guys were expecting a thing for Overwriters today. Nope. That'll be coming next week.

I just realized how close we all are to NaNoWriMo starting up. So, I thought I'd share a bit of what I'm doing for NaNoWriMo (how many times am I going to say NaNoWriMo in this post? I dunno), along with a bit of my normal writing process and how I decide what I'm going to write.

Aside from all that, something I have to do before I even begin to write is get in the zone. I have to be sitting at my desk, I need to have my fairy lights on, I need a cup of tea (with the tea pot nearby, of course), I need my fuzzy socks, and only then will I be ready to write.

Only then will I actually want to write.

First off, I have to decide what I'm going to write. To be completely honest, I don't know if I'll finish whatever I decide to write. But eh, I'm doing it anyways.

On my computer, I have a list of book plots that I have come up with. They're categorized by Genre, and as I look through I realize that I honestly have on idea what I should write. Most of them are series, and the ones that are stand-alones I don't know if I could finish.

When I write, I have to do a few things. I need music. I need to have a paragraph plot summary that I go off of.

My plot summaries are not detailed. It has the major fight scenes described rather detailed; who is fighting who, what happens (as in, who I kill off this time or who almost dies and how). It has the subplot defined sharply, so I know where I am with each subplot as I move on. But other than that, I am not organized when it comes to my writing. I write what I feel needs to happen at what time in the book. If it went to fast, I fix it in the next drafts.

Back on track!

If it is not already clear, my mind wanders.

Anyways, that is what I have in that document: paragraph long summaries of my books, so I can write off those.

I was looking through them, and I think I found what I want to write. I don't know if I am going to write the second book in my series (although that is the logical thing to do) because when it's NaNoWriMo I tend to write sloppily. I'd prefer to take time and think about what I am going to be writing when it comes to Harper's story, since it is pretty complex. Instead, I am going to be writing my stand-alone novel, People Like Us. It is a YA/New Adult Historical Fiction that takes place in the early 1700's of France and England. The characters are conmen and I'm going to be attempting to write from a guy's perspective... but I have no idea how that is going to turn out.

Secondly, there is the schedule. How many words a day am I going to write? Well, I am going to attempt 1,667 words. However, I have no idea how that is going to work out since I have school and I have to bust my butt to get good grades but I'm sure as heck gonna try.

Lastly, there is when I am going to write. I am going to try my best to write every day during homeroom and when I get home. I will do my best to get all my assignments done in study hall.

I plan on posting weekly updates, so my weekly posts will be NaNoWriMo updates (and in them there will probably a ton of ranting, tangents, and hopefully tips). At the end of the month, I will post a last week update and then a monthly overview (the last week update will be posted on the 28th and the monthly overview will be posted on the 30th).

So yeah! That's something to look forward to, I guess.

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? What are some weird writing habits of yours? Tell me in the comments!

~Olivia Ann

P.S. Sorry I don't have any aesthetic photos on this post, Franklin (my laptop) isn't being nice and allowing me to upload pictures. I really should restart him, but I'm way too lazy to do that. I should have pictures on next week's post, though.


  1. NANOWRIMO. I am so excited to see your updates in November! Is this the first time you're doing NaNoWriMo? (dude, we should totally meet up at a coffee shop or something for word wars xD)

    Also, what's your NaNo username so I can friend you on there? (alll the progress stalking. :P)

    1. We totally should! And yup, my first time doing NaNoWriMo. I actually don't have an account, but you can check out my contact page for my author IG where I will be posting updates.


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