September Wrap-Up

Sorry this is late everybody! And also sorry that there's no Overwriter's post. This week has been crazy and I've been stressed and I haven't been feeling well so I didn't write this until today (October 3rd).

But without further ado!


• I've began bullet journaling in my school planner. I can't keep up bullet journaling normally, but because it's school I've got something to do every day. So, there's that.
• I've had to stop my workouts on such a daily basis. Now I do intense workouts on Saturday and Sunday so I can still stay in shape but I've got enough time to do homework.
• School has taken a destructive toll on me. Everything is very exhausting, everything is assigned on one day, and everything is due at the same time. It's not fun. Junior year is absolute horrid.


• I've gotten feedback from Angelle Pilkington, and she's suggested many helpful critiques that are making my book so much better.
• I've gotten back some information from a few agents (no one has accepted me yet), but I have gotten some amazing feedback and suggestions.
• I'm working on cutting down extra scenes to reduce my towering word count (*cough* 113,287 *cough*).


• I've got a secret that has to do with this. I've gotten permission to share it once I finish something. This week, y'all will get an extra (and special) post!

Goals I Completed

• I got all my classes sorted out, and my schedule is good.
• I've queried over 3 agents (i think more like 8)
• Weekly posts on Monday

Goals for October
• Keep posting weekly on Mondays
• Finish my painting for school
• Tell you guys about the secret thing
• Cut my word count down by A LOT.
• Write a short story for a competition at my school.

That's it! I hope y'all have fun and stuffs! Yep!

~Olivia Ann


  1. YOU HEARD BACK AHHHHSDALKJFSDLHKJFASDHLKJFHASLDKFJALSDKCHLASDKJHASDL. *flails wildly* I CANNOT BELIEVE IT AHHHHKSDAJLFHASDKJFH. Was it scary??? My stomach is hurting just thinking about it AHHH. I'm so excited for you!!! How did she critique it??? Did she give line by line, or did she just give an overall opinion? (also, how long did your three chapters come to, just out of curiosity?)

    1. YES I DID AHHHHHH It was so nerve-wracking! She did a kind of line by line but she also did "this paragraph is a little stiff" and stuff like that and she also gave me an overall so like I GOT ALL THE ANGLES AND IT WAS WONDERFUL. And at that point my three chapters were at 6,948 words. Now they're at 6,744.

  2. I'm so happy that you got your feedback! Your guardian agent is out there somewhere, and I wish you all the very best of the luck in your writerly endeavours!

    (ps - when you get the time, I tagged you for something on my blog!)

    1. Thank you for your encouragement!

      And OOOOOOH A TAG! Love doing those! I'll definitely post it soon ;P Thanks for tagging me!


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