I Hate Writing

*TO EXPLAIN THE LABEL AND HOPEFULLY THE TITLE* I have a ton of thoughts when I go to bed at night, and sometimes they're stupid, sometimes they're interesting so... yeah enjoy the musings of my brain.

Okay, time to be honest: I hate writing. And it's not because of editing, like everyone suspects. No. It's because that at one point that book - that series - that I have dedicated so much of my life to will be done, and I won't be able to spend time with these characters that I love. All that will be gone. Yes, the books will still exist, but the characters will be living in my head, dormant, and they'll pop up every once and a while and say "hey, Olivia, you should really write a thing" and I have to say no, because I'm working on a different story. Then when that new story is done, I'll have more characters hiding in my head, being brought out by little things in normal life that remind me of them. And yet, I love writing and I don't know what I would do without it.

Why would someone who loves writing ever regret writing something just because they have to edit it? I've heard from a lot of people who have started writing and they say "oh, yeah I love writing. Except when I send it to my editor. Then I wish I never started it." I honestly don't understand that. The only reason I hate writing is because one day I will have to give up that world and those people that I worked so hard to create. It's sort of like giving up a piece of my soul.

~Olivia Ann


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