the destruction of a weapon.

This is an extra post that is also my Monday Minute Challenge entry on Tessa's blog (

My prompt entries are below:

Sentence: There was no stopping him this time.
3 objects: pen, cast, tree

Here is my entry. It is 299 words long (just under the limit).


“It’s hard to know you’ll never remember me,” he whispers, “I’m truly sorry.”
She lifts her head sharply, jolting the chains; a few links slip through his hands before he can catch them. “Not as sorry as I am.”
The words are venom, quickly working their way through his blood stream and stopping his heart.
But he keeps walking. The woman some believe to be the prophesied warrior of old trails behind him, chained and bloodied as though she is nothing more than a dog. Her body hits the chair with a dead thud, the chains around her wrists and ankles quickly being replaced with leather straps.
The man kneels before her, fury and pain raging in a newly-lit fire behind his eyes. “Look at it this way.”
She recoils. The sweet, pitying voice was once something she desired more than air—now it heralds death.
He sighs, standing to prepare the machine. “Look at it this way, Mira: you finally get to see the sun.”
Her vision begins to fail, the images forming in her head more powerful than those being taken in by her eyes.
The sun. What was it like? She heard stories, sure… but actually getting to see it?
But at the expense of her memories? Of her identity? No.
Her train of thought is broken by the cold metal being placed against her forehead. “No,” she pleads, “don’t—”
“I don’t want to do this, so don’t make it harder for me,” he snaps, pressing the button. The steam turns the gears; she watches as he connects the back of the needle to a pipe half-submerged into whatever serum they’re using for the memory wipe.
His hand is gentle on her face as he guides the needle to her neck.

“I’m sorry, Mira.”


Hope you enjoyed! It's nice to be involved with MMC once more.

~Olivia Ann


  1. Oh, the was great! Now I want to read more!

    New follower. =)


    1. Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! And welcome to my blog ^u^



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